Thursday, April 1, 2010

Local Organization Champions World Civil Rights

World peace and environmental organization headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA takes on countries around the globe for civil rights on behalf of Indigenous Peoples as part of their vision.
Founder, Terry Nichols is quoted “If a butterfly's wings can start a hurricane - one man's voice can start a world-wide revolution without a shot fired.” Mr. Nichols’ organization is the sponsor of “The Accounting” to be held around the world on April 10th. The Accounting is a means for the peoples of the world to speak out against war, poverty, civil rights, and saving the earth by coloring a “green dot” on the lowest denomination of currency of a citizen’s country and spending that currency on something “green” to help the earth and stimulate their local economies. That’s it you may ask? No, after spending the currency, citizens are asked to send an email to the internet news service of their choice and tell the news agency that their voice counts and they “voted for World Peace and Saving the Planet.”
The year 2010 has been identified by many groups as the “Year of the Indigenous Peoples Rights” around the world and many civil rights marches and gatherings are planned. One significant event is “Native Blood March on Washington, DC, August 17-19, 2010. The three-day gathering for civil rights will be joined by peoples in as many as eight other country’s capitols and indigenous peoples from nine states are planning gatherings at their state capitols on August 18th. Mr. Nichols says organizers have registered a full slate of speakers, drummers, and singers for the three days. Initial estimates are making this event the largest event in Washington, DC in decades.
For more information, contact Terry Nichols at

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